Care Levels (Nursing Grades)

Degrees of care replace care levels The previous three care levels were replaced by five care grades in January 2017. They offer a more precise and comprehensive assessment of a patient’s abilities and impairments. Depending on the care level, a person in need of care receives varying degrees of support from the care insurance. Anyone … Care Levels (Nursing Grades)

Home adaptation – remodeling the four walls

Wheelchair ramps, walk-in showers, widened doors – if you need to make more complex adaptations to your home, you should seek help from a housing advice center. The advisors usually have a better eye for necessary modifications and undiscovered sources of danger. They are usually also available to answer financial and organizational questions. These offices … Home adaptation – remodeling the four walls

Guardianship law – Important information

Guardianship – the reasons In Germany, in 1992, guardianship as legal care for the welfare of the person concerned replaced the guardianship and infirmity guardianship that had been in force until then. The advantage of guardianship is that the person under guardianship has more rights and the guardian has greater control. In addition, a care … Guardianship law – Important information