Symptoms of fistula on the gums | Fistula on the gums

Symptoms of fistula on the gums The typical symptoms of a fistula on the gums depend mainly on the exact location, the extent and the stage of the fistula. In its initial stage, the gum fistula does not usually cause any symptoms. For this reason, the existing inflammatory processes are often not recognized as such … Symptoms of fistula on the gums | Fistula on the gums

What are the risks of fistulas on the gums? | Fistula on the gums

What are the risks of fistulas on the gums? A fistula on the gums should definitely be presented to a dentist as soon as possible. The dentist can initiate a suitable treatment in view of the clinical picture. In general, the fistula itself does not pose a risk. However, it is an indication of chronic … What are the risks of fistulas on the gums? | Fistula on the gums

Fistula on tooth

Definition In medicine, a fistula represents a non-physiological connection between two body cavities or between an internal organ and the body surface. This connection is then referred to as an inner or outer fistula. It serves to drain a fluid. A fistula on a tooth belongs to the second category; it usually connects a pus-filled … Fistula on tooth

How dangerous can a fistula on a tooth become? | Fistula on tooth

How dangerous can a fistula on a tooth become? A fistula can be very painful, especially in the early stages of its development. However, as soon as an opening, e.g. to the oral cavity, has formed, the pain disappears. A small pustule on the oral mucosa represents the opening of the fistula, through which pus … How dangerous can a fistula on a tooth become? | Fistula on tooth