Therapy for eczema in the auditory canal | Eczema in the auditory canal

Therapy for eczema in the auditory canal The therapy depends on the cause, but in general, triggering factors must be eliminated, especially in the case of contact eczema. Here a first improvement is reached by removing the exogenous noxe, this can be for example a piercing from nickel or chrome. The affected skin area is … Therapy for eczema in the auditory canal | Eczema in the auditory canal

Symptoms of eczema in the corner of the mouth | Eczema in the corner of the mouth

Symptoms of eczema in the corner of the mouth The typical symptoms of mouth eczema are inflammation of the skin with redness, irritation and pain. The inflammation is usually accompanied by cracks in the skin. These can be purely superficial and only affect the upper layers of the skin, but can also go deeper. Many … Symptoms of eczema in the corner of the mouth | Eczema in the corner of the mouth

Atopic eczema in the corner of the mouth | Eczema in the corner of the mouth

Atopic eczema in the corner of the mouth Atopic dermatitis, presumably better known as neurodermatitis, is a chronic skin disease that is probably caused by an exuberant reaction of our body’s immune system. Neurodermatitis shows itself preferentially in areas where skin meets skin, such as in joint bends. An affection of the face with neurodermatitis … Atopic eczema in the corner of the mouth | Eczema in the corner of the mouth

Eczema of the eye

Introduction Eczema is a chronic or acute disease of the skin that is accompanied by an inflammatory allergic course. As a rule, it is a suddenly occurring condition of the skin. Eczema can occur on all skin areas of the body. While eczema of the hand and the upper or lower arms or trunk is … Eczema of the eye

Eczema in the ear

Introduction – What is ear eczema? An ear eczema is an inflammation of the skin of the auricles. Eczema manifests itself through reddish spots, which are usually associated with severe itching. Eczema represents the largest percentage of skin diseases. They account for 30 to 40%. The term is a collective term for inflammatory, usually itchy, … Eczema in the ear

Causes of eczema in the ear | Eczema in the ear

Causes of eczema in the ear A distinction is made between exogenous eczema, which is caused by external influences, so-called contact eczema, and endogenous eczema, which is caused by internal, body-derived influxes. Contact eczema is further divided into allergic contact eczema, which is caused by certain foods or metals, for example, and non-allergic contact eczema, … Causes of eczema in the ear | Eczema in the ear