Eczema in the corner of the mouth


A corner of the mouth eczema is a poorly healing, longer lasting inflammation in the area of the corner of the mouth. Often there is a scaly change and reddening of the skin. In addition to smaller cracks, superficial to deeper-reaching skin defects (erosions or ulcerations) also develop.

Causes of eczema in the corner of the mouth

There are many reasons for the development or the appearance of a corner of the mouth eczema. A common cause is excessive salivation (hypersalivation); the excessive amounts of saliva run out of the mouth into the corner of the mouth and cause the eczema. At the same time, the corners of the mouth are often damaged by dry skin.

This hypersalivation can be promoted by constant and excessive chewing of tobacco or chewing gum. This also frequently occurs in older people with known problems with their teeth. For example, if posterior teeth are missing and no replacement is available; this results in an unnatural or incomplete lip closure.

In the same way, a badly fitting dentition can promote a corner of the mouth eczema. Corner of the mouth eczema is often found in people with poor lip closure on the side of the face where they sleep. Licking the corners of the mouth can also cause eczema.

An additional factor in the development of eczema in older people is often that they also suffer from type II diabetes. This generally results in poorer blood circulation and a weaker immune system, both of which can promote the development of eczema. Another reason can be the reaction to allergens in food or in everyday life.

If eczema is present in the corner of the mouth, it should be checked whether the patient might react to toothpaste or facial care products. A common allergic reaction is to nickel. Contact with nickel can occur, for example, when chewing on a ballpoint pen.

Another group of causes of eczema in the corner of the mouth are vitamin deficiencies. A typical sign of a lack of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) are the mouth angle rhagades (syn. for eczema in the corner of the mouth).

Furthermore a lack of iron and vitamin B12 should also be considered. Another cause can be autoimmune diseases. The body forms antibodies (adapter substances against special proteins on the surface of cells) against the body’s own structures, whereby e.g. the skin is damaged.

If eczema occurs in the corner of the mouth of children, neurodermatitis dissemenata (atopic eczema) should be considered, which in the long term can develop into cheilitis angularis (syn. corner of the mouth eczema). In adults, seborrhoeic eczema could be a reason, but it is also a kind of rash, which is commonly called grind or head gneiss.

This eczema occurs mainly in people with weakened immune systems. It is assumed that the training is related to a yeast fungus, which is a normal skin colonizer in healthy people and does not cause any complaints. It should also be considered that there is an infection with bacteria, viruses or fungi.

A fungal infection can be particularly evident in older, prematurely ill (e.g. diabetes) and immunocompromised (cortisone therapy) patients. An infection with bacteria, mostly streptococci and staphylococci, often occurs in children as a superinfection (“in addition”) to an existing eczema. In the case of bacterial infection, care must be taken to ensure that this infection often maintains the inflammation and eczema and makes it last even longer. Adequate treatment of the infection is therefore essential.