Pityriasis versicolor

Pityriasis versicolor (also known as bran lichen, bran fungus lichen) is a fungal infection of the uppermost skin layer, which is conspicuous by spots distributed over the entire body, which appear lighter in color compared to the rest of the skin. The cause of this disease is the yeast fungus Malassezia furfur (formerly also called … Pityriasis versicolor

Drugs | Pityriasis versicolor

Drugs Patients who have already suffered once from pityriasis versicolor have a significantly increased risk of developing another skin disease caused by the responsible yeast fungus. The prognosis for these patients is therefore rather poor. The use of special drugs (antimycotics) containing the active ingredients ketoconazole, fluconazole or itroconazole can improve the prognosis for those … Drugs | Pityriasis versicolor