Drugs | Skin rash due to allergy

Drugs While less severe allergic rashes usually heal without medical intervention, very severe rashes that occur in connection with an allergy usually require drug treatment. In particular, drugs containing glucocorticoids (e.g. cortisone) are frequently used in the treatment of itchy skin lesions.Especially in the form of ointments or creams that can be applied locally to … Drugs | Skin rash due to allergy

Skin rash due to allergy

Skin rashes due to allergies belong mainly to the allergic reactions of the so-called delayed type (type IV), the allergic contact eczema. In their appearance they belong to the group of eczema. This is a non-infectious, itchy inflammatory reaction of the skin. This can take the form of allergic contact eczema, caused by direct contact … Skin rash due to allergy

Prognosis/Duration | Mite allergy

Prognosis/Duration Once a house dust mite allergy exists, it will remain for the rest of your life without treatment. It is possible, however, that it only develops in adulthood. Depending on which treatment options are used, the symptoms can be alleviated or even completely eliminated by desensitization. However, it can take several years before this … Prognosis/Duration | Mite allergy

I can tell by these symptoms that I have an allergy in my face | Allergy in the face – What is behind it?

I can tell by these symptoms that I have an allergy in my face Allergies in the face can take on different forms and are partly dependent on the type of allergens with which the person affected comes into contact. Allergies caused by ingredients of cosmetics are usually superficial and only in those places where … I can tell by these symptoms that I have an allergy in my face | Allergy in the face – What is behind it?

Treatment of the allergy | Allergy in the face – What is behind it?

Treatment of the allergy The therapy of an allergic reaction in the face consists of different components. The most important of these is the removal of the allergen. So if you have a food intolerance, you should avoid the food in question completely. Contact allergies can also be avoided by not using the cosmetics that … Treatment of the allergy | Allergy in the face – What is behind it?