Ferritin value too high

When is ferritin elevated? Generally, one speaks of an increased ferritin if the ferritin value rises above the normal limits for the respective sex and age. The limits are usually somewhat higher in childhood than in adulthood, and men have a significantly higher ferritin limit than women. Limit values: Infants and newborns within the first … Ferritin value too high

Treatment of a too high ferritin value | Ferritin value too high

Treatment of a too high ferritin value The therapy of the increased ferritin value is initially carried out using so-called chelating agents. These are chemical complexes that are particularly suitable for binding iron. In this way, the elevated iron in the blood, which is usually associated with the increased ferritin value, can be bound. The … Treatment of a too high ferritin value | Ferritin value too high