I should not take these drugs | How can I best lower my liver values?

I should not take these drugs Drugs that have a negative effect on liver cells and thus on liver function and values are mainly drugs with active ingredients that are metabolized by the liver.In this case, excessive use of the drug in question, an unfavorable combination of drugs or a pre-existing functional impairment of the … I should not take these drugs | How can I best lower my liver values?

These home remedies can help | How can I best lower my liver values?

These home remedies can help There are various home remedies, all of which aim to reduce liver values. These home remedies are foods that are often easy to obtain and good to enjoy. The simplest method is to drink sufficient amounts of liquids such as water or tea. The tea should be brewed with sage, … These home remedies can help | How can I best lower my liver values?

How fast can liver values decrease? | How can I best lower my liver values?

How fast can liver values decrease? The length of time the liver needs to regenerate after damage has occurred can vary considerably depending on the cause. In addition, the way in which attempts are made to lower liver values also plays a role in the length of time. A reduction in liver values is equivalent … How fast can liver values decrease? | How can I best lower my liver values?

Increased liver values

Introduction Liver values are defined as certain measurable parameters in the blood, which can usually be displayed in the blood count (routine laboratory) when taking blood samples. If the laboratory values differ from the average standard values, this can be an indication of a functional disorder or disease of the liver. The regular collection of … Increased liver values

Is it possible to measure the liver values yourself? | Increased liver values

Is it possible to measure the liver values yourself? In the meantime, various manufacturers offer so-called home tests for all common liver values. These are available at the pharmacy or on the Internet. For application, a test strip is held in the urine. Then a color change shows the result. However, it should be critically … Is it possible to measure the liver values yourself? | Increased liver values

Liver value GPT

Introduction The abbreviation GPT stands for glutamate pyruvate transaminase. In addition to the name GPT, the name ALT or alanine amino transferase is often used. This is a synonym for exactly the same enzyme. The term describes an enzyme that is found in several organs at the same time. These organs include the liver, where … Liver value GPT