Bone density measurement using the DEXA method

DXA measurement, also known as dual x-ray absorptiometry, is a diagnostic procedure used mainly for measuring bone density. It can also determine the body composition and thus determine the percentage of body fat, lean mass and bone mass of the examined person. The technique behind the procedure is based on X-rays. In recent years, DXA … Bone density measurement using the DEXA method

Frequency distribution | Bone density measurement using the DEXA method

Frequency distribution Osteoporosis is a disease that has seen a significant increase in the last few years. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies the disease as one of the ten most important diseases of our time. Studies assume that about 6.3 million people in Germany suffer from osteoporosis. The best method, which has also been … Frequency distribution | Bone density measurement using the DEXA method

Disadvantages | Bone density measurement using the DEXA method

Disadvantages Despite the low dose of radiation exposure necessary for the DXA measurement, there is still a certain residual risk of radiation damage. In a healthy, adult person, the risk is low, and in most cases the advantages of the method outweigh the low risk to the body. However, this risk means that children and … Disadvantages | Bone density measurement using the DEXA method