Echocardiography (Heart echo): Procedure, reasons

When is echocardiography performed? A cardiac ultrasound is performed when the following diseases are suspected or to monitor their progress: heart failure coronary heart disease, heart attack Suspicion of damage to the heart valves Blood clot formation in the heart heart defects (vities) Pericardial effusion (pericardial effusion) Bulging or rupture of the aortic wall Transesophageal/ … Echocardiography (Heart echo): Procedure, reasons

Swallowing Echo

A swallow echo is a special ultrasound examination of the heart. The ultrasound probe is placed in the oesophagus and from there the heart, which is located directly in front of it, is sounded. The procedure is also known as transesophageal echocardiography, or TEE for short. In contrast to alternative ultrasound examination via the thorax … Swallowing Echo

Risks with swallowing echo | Swallowing Echo

Risks with swallowing echo The swallow echo is a low-risk and fairly harmless examination method. The most common temporary side effects are an unpleasant feeling and slight pain in the throat due to irritation by the examination instrument. Only in extremely rare cases do serious side effects or complications occur. These include, for example, cardiovascular … Risks with swallowing echo | Swallowing Echo