Metatarsal Fracture: Causes, Healing, Risks

Metatarsal fracture: Description Metatarsal fractures account for around a third of all foot fractures, and mostly affect athletes. The fifth metatarsal bone is most frequently fractured. Doctors refer to this type of metatarsal fracture as a Jones fracture – after the surgeon Sir Robert Jones (1857 to 1933). Several metatarsal bones are often affected by … Metatarsal Fracture: Causes, Healing, Risks

Arm broken: First Aid

Brief overview What to do in case of a broken arm? Immobilize arm, depending on the fracture, cool if necessary (closed arm fracture) or cover with sterile drapes (open arm fracture), call ambulance, reassure patient. Risks of arm fracture: Accompanying injuries to tendons, muscles, ligaments, etc., as well as complications (including circulatory problems). When to … Arm broken: First Aid

Humerus Head Fracture (Upper Arm Break): Treatment, Prognosis

Humeral head fracture: description The upper arm bone (humerus) has a relatively large head, three times larger than the glenoid cavity in which it lies. This allows the shoulder a wide range of motion: the shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the human body. The shoulder joint is stabilized mainly by the surrounding … Humerus Head Fracture (Upper Arm Break): Treatment, Prognosis