Retinopathy of Premature Infants | Premature Birth

Retinopathy of Premature Infants

Retinopathy of prematurity is an underdevelopment of the retina of the eye in premature infants. Since the newborn child is born too early, its organs are not yet fully developed and prepared for the world outside the womb.


To prevent premature birth, pregnant women must be well informed. They must be made aware of warnings to avoid potentially harmful situations for the fetus and act accordingly. Premature amniotic sacs or premature contractions are dangerous.

Even if the mother is expecting twins, she should pay special attention to changes in pregnancy. The risks should be prevented by regular visits to the gynaecologist (specialist in gynaecology) and in-depth consultation with the pregnant woman. Sometimes hospitalization is necessary.

If a premature birth is imminent, the expectant mother can be prescribed strict bed rest. Surveillance around the clock is necessary and only guaranteed in hospital. This depends on the degree of risk to the premature baby. This topic might also be of interest to you: Maternity leave benefit