Malignant Melanoma (Black Skin Cancer)

Malignant melanoma: symptoms The earlier the dangerous black skin cancer is treated, the easier it is to cure. But how can you recognize malignant melanoma? It’s not that easy, because malignant melanoma is very diverse. Doctors differentiate between four main types of melanoma based on their appearance and histological characteristics: Superficial spreading melanoma (approx. 60 … Malignant Melanoma (Black Skin Cancer)

What is actinic keratosis?

Actinic keratosis: symptoms In the early stages, it is not easy for laypeople to recognize actinic keratosis: In one or more places, there is initially a sharply defined reddening that feels like fine sandpaper. Later, the horny layer thickens and thick, sometimes yellowish-brown horny deposits form. Their diameter can range from a few millimeters to … What is actinic keratosis?