The Price | Voltaren Dispers

The Price Voltaren Dispers® are prescription tablets, which means that the tablets are only available in pharmacies on prescription from a doctor. With a private prescription, 30 tablets are available for about 15 euros. If the doctor prescribes the medication to a legally insured person, a co-payment is sometimes required. This is about half of … The Price | Voltaren Dispers

What is the difference to Voltaren Resinat®? | Voltaren Dispers

What is the difference to Voltaren Resinat®? The main difference between Voltaren Dispers® and Voltaren Resinat® is the dosage form. While Voltaren Dispers® is dissolved in a glass of water and then drunk, Voltaren Resinat® is in the form of tablets that are swallowed whole with a sip of water. However, the active ingredient diclofenac … What is the difference to Voltaren Resinat®? | Voltaren Dispers