Duration of action of Voltaren resinat | Voltaren resinate

Duration of action of Voltaren resinat The exact time to onset of action of Voltaren resinat® and the exact duration of action depends on the individual person taking the drug. The metabolism of the active ingredient diclofenac, which is used in Voltaren resinat® , takes place largely via the liver. Therefore, a deterioration in liver … Duration of action of Voltaren resinat | Voltaren resinate

Side effects | Voltaren resinate

Side effects As with any drug, certain side effects can occur when taking Voltaren Resinat®. The diclofenac-inhibited enzyme called cyclooxygenase is also localized in the stomach lining, among other things. There, the prostaglandins produced by this enzyme protect against the destructive power of stomach acid. However, since the production of these prostaglandins is reduced by … Side effects | Voltaren resinate

Headache with Voltaren resinat | Voltaren resinate

Headache with Voltaren resinat Non-steroidal anti-rheumatic drugs (NSAIDs), which include Voltaren resinat®, can be used to treat headaches and migraines. A maximum daily dose of 150 mg can be taken in adolescents and adults aged 15 years and older, whereby this maximum daily dose is divided into two individual doses. Normally, a daily dose of … Headache with Voltaren resinat | Voltaren resinate

Voltaren Emulgel®

What is Voltaren emulgel®? Voltaren emulgel® is a drug from the Voltaren product range. It is a gel with the active ingredient diclofenac, which is present here in the form of diclofenac-diethylamine. It belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and has analgesic (analgesic) and anti-inflammatory (antiphlogistic) effects. Introduction In addition to the … Voltaren Emulgel®

Fields of application | Voltaren Emulgel®

Fields of application The application areas for Voltaren emulgel® specified by the manufacturer are In general, the application should only be carried out for a short period of time in young people (from the age of 14). Arthrosis associated with pain (especially in the finger and knee joints), Acute pain caused by bruises, strains or … Fields of application | Voltaren Emulgel®

Voltaren Dispers

Definition Voltaren Dispers® is a prescription drug from the manufacturer Novartis that has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. These are soluble tablets that are dissolved in water, stirred and then drunk. It is best taken with a meal. The effect The active ingredient of Voltaren Dispers® is called diclofenac. Diclofenac belongs to the NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory … Voltaren Dispers

The side effects | Voltaren Dispers

The side effects The frequency and severity of side effects depends on the dose and duration of use. Therefore, the smallest possible effective dose should always be taken over the shortest possible period of time. Initially, general complaints such as fatigue, dizziness or headaches may occur when taking Voltaren Dispers®. The active ingredient diclofenac inhibits … The side effects | Voltaren Dispers