
Synonyms Active ingredient: enoxaparin, enoxaparin sodium, synonyms in the broader sense: low molecular weight heparin, Lovenox® English: enoxaparin sodium, low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) Definition Clexane® belongs to the group of medicinal anticoagulants. These anticoagulants are divided into: Clexane® belongs to the group of low-molecular-weight heparins, which comprises various substances that differ from unfractionated heparin … Clexane

Dosage form | Clexane

Dosage form Clexane® is administered depending on the indication: Clexane® must not be injected into the muscles (i.m., intramuscularly). – Thrombosis prophylaxis = subcutaneous injection (into subcutaneous fatty tissue) Thrombosis therapy = subcutaneous injection Non-suspension infarction (NSTEMI) /instable angina pectoris = subcutaneous injection Elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) = first intravenous bolus administration, then subcutaneous injection … Dosage form | Clexane

Pharmacokinetics | Clexane

Pharmacokinetics After subcutaneous injection of Clexane®, it enters the bloodstream where it reaches its average maximum activity level after three to five hours. Clexane® is broken down both in the liver (hepatic elimination) and in the kidney (renal elimination), with the majority being taken over by the liver. The plasma half-life – the time after … Pharmacokinetics | Clexane

Clexane during pregnancy | Clexane

Clexane during pregnancy Pregnancy is an exceptional situation for the maternal body. Both positive and negative effects of pregnancy are possible. A thrombophilic tendency during pregnancy can be considered a negative effect. This means that blood clots are more likely to form. In the case of other risk factors and existing underlying diseases a therapy … Clexane during pregnancy | Clexane


Active ingredient Dalteparin sodium Definition Fragmin® is obtained by splitting off heparin. It is used to prevent a thrombus (blood clot) in the blood vessels. Because Fragmin® is lower molecular weight than heparin, it has fewer side effects. Fields of application Fragmin® is used for the following diseases: For prophylaxis of blood clots after surgery, … Fragmin®

Side effects | Fragmin®

Side effects As with all drugs, Fragmin® may also cause side effects. As soon as they occur, you should contact your doctor immediately. Increased bleeding may occur. These are mainly on the skin, mucous membrane, gastrointestinal tract, genital and urinary tract. In most cases the bleeding is very mild, but can rarely be so severe … Side effects | Fragmin®