Pain and swelling of the xiphoid process | The xiphoid process

Pain and swelling of the xiphoid process The diagnosis of a sternal swelling is usually made by a pressure test. Therapy is carried out with painkillers, which can also be injected directly into the spinal cord in cases of severe pain. Other treatment options for pain relief include acupuncture, physiotherapy and muscle-relaxing medication. Heat or … Pain and swelling of the xiphoid process | The xiphoid process

The xiphoid process

Definition – What is the xiphoid process? The sword process – also called “Processus Xyphoideus” – is the lowest part of the sternum. The sternum can be divided into three parts. It resembles a sword in its entirety. At the top, between the clavicles, lies the handle (Manubrium Sterni). The middle part, where the second … The xiphoid process

The male breast

Introduction The male breast (Mamma masculina) is in principle designed in the same way as the female breast. In contrast to the female form, the male breast is not considered a secondary sexual characteristic. Structure of the male breast Due to a lack of hormonal processes, however, the male breast does not develop further, but … The male breast


Synonyms in a broader sense mammary gland, mamma, mastos, mastodynia, mastopathy, mamma – carcinoma, breast cancer English: female breast, mamma Anatomy of the nipple The nipple (mamilla, nipple) is a circular structure in the middle of the breast region, which is more pigmented, i.e. darker than the surrounding skin. It consists of the actual nipple, … Nipple

Appearance | Nipple

Appearance Depending on the person, nipples can look very different, so there is a wide range within which everything is still considered “normal”, since every person is different. However, there are also some anatomical peculiarities that occur frequently and deserve special consideration. These include, for example, the so-called inverted nipples (also: inverted nipples). These are … Appearance | Nipple

Ribbed Arch

Introduction In the narrow anatomical sense, the costal arch describes a cartilaginous part of the sternum, which represents a connection of the 8th -10th rib to the sternum. These ribs 8-10 have no direct contact with the sternum and are only indirectly attached to the sternum via cartilage. In a broader sense, however, the lower … Ribbed Arch

Function | Ribbed Arch

Function The ribs and the costal arch in general serve to protect and function the lungs and the heart, represent an anatomical boundary and are the starting point for important muscles. As a component of the lower thoracic literature, the actual anatomical costal arch serves as a boundary between the thoracic and abdominal areas. This … Function | Ribbed Arch