Spinal Cord Tracks | White matter Spinal cord

Spinal Cord Tracks Sensitive (= ascending, afferent) pathways: Sensitive pathways are responsible for processing impulse information from e.g. the skin and transmit this information to the corresponding centers in the brain. Fasciculus gracilis (GOLL) for the lower half of the body (lies inside) and the Fasciculus cuneatus (BURDACH) for the upper half of the body … Spinal Cord Tracks | White matter Spinal cord

Vegetative spinal cord | White matter Spinal cord

Vegetative spinal cord Vegetative path: Vegetative pathways are responsible for controlling unconscious processes such as digestion, sweating, blood pressure, etc. Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior (posterior longitudinal bundle) This path runs from the hypothalamus to the vegetative nerve cells, from where they innervate (control) the intestines, genital organs and the sweat glands of the skin. All articles … Vegetative spinal cord | White matter Spinal cord

Spinal Cord Nerves

Synonyms Medical: Nervi spinal spinal nerves, CNS, spinal cord, brain, nerve cell Declaration Humans possess 31 pairs of spinal nerves (spinal cord nerves), which pass between the individual vertebrae through the intervertebral holes, i.e. (almost) analogous to the division of the spinal cord on each side: this uniform structure can give the impression of segmentation, … Spinal Cord Nerves

Grey matter spinal cord

Synonyms Medical: substantia grisea spinalis CNS, spinal cord, brain, nerve cells Declaration According to REXED, the grey spinal cord substance, which is butterfly-shaped in cross-section, can be divided into 10 layers (Laminae spinalales I-X). Layers I-VI form the posterior horn – the rear column (somatosensory = feeling), layers VIII and IX the anterior horn – … Grey matter spinal cord

Tractus spinobulbaris

Synonyms Medical: Substantia alba spinalis CNS, spinal cord, brain, nerve cell, gray matter spinal cord Introduction This text tries to present the very complex interrelationships in the spinal cord in an understandable way. Due to the complexity of the topic it is aimed at medical students, doctors and very interested laymen. Declaration The Tractus spinobulbaris … Tractus spinobulbaris

Tractus spinothalamicus

Synonyms Medical: Substantia alba spinalis CNS, spinal cord, spinal nerve tract, brain, nerve cell, spinal ganglia, gray matter spinal cord Introduction This text tries to present the very complex interrelationships in the spinal cord in an understandable way. Due to the complexity of the topic it is aimed at medical students, doctors and very interested … Tractus spinothalamicus