Midbrain | Brain

Midbrain The midbrain represents the place in the brain where important central nervous reflexes are activated and switched. It is also the location of important centers that modulate and coordinate motor programs with the help of messenger substances (neurotransmitters). Dopamine plays an important role here. In some people, the production of dopamine is disturbed and … Midbrain | Brain

Viewing Center

Definition The visual center, also called the visual cortex, is part of the visual system. It is located in the occipital lobe of the brain and belongs to the central nervous system. This is where information from nerve fibers in the visual pathways arrives, is processed, interconnected, interpreted and coordinated. Disturbances in the visual pathways … Viewing Center

Clinical condition of the visual center | Viewing Center

Clinical condition of the visual center Damage to the visual path can be caused by numerous processes: Such damage can result in relatively specific vision failures, depending on the location of the visual path or visual system. For example, a unilateral lesion of the optic nerve leads to unilateral blindness. This can occur, for example, … Clinical condition of the visual center | Viewing Center


Introduction The hypothalamus is an important area of the brain which, as a superior control center, controls numerous vegetative bodily functions, such as food and fluid intake, circulation regulation, maintenance of body temperature and control of the salt and water balance. It also continues to determine emotional and sexual behavior. Compared to other areas of … Hypothalamus

Diseases of the hypothalamus | Hypothalamus

Diseases of the hypothalamus The hypothalamus produces a variety of different hormones. Some of these hormones are called “releasing hormones”. In a hormonal control circuit, they act directly on the pituitary gland and stimulate the production of further hormones, which in turn act directly on the target organs or trigger further hormone production. In return, … Diseases of the hypothalamus | Hypothalamus

Tasks of the cerebral cortex | Tasks of the cerebrum

Tasks of the cerebral cortex The cerebral cortex, also known as the cortex cerebri, is visible from the outside and envelops the brain. It is also known as the grey matter, because in a fixed state it appears greyish in relation to the cerebral medulla. The cerebral cortex contains the nerve cores of the nerve … Tasks of the cerebral cortex | Tasks of the cerebrum

Tasks of the cerebral medulla | Tasks of the cerebrum

Tasks of the cerebral medulla The cerebral medulla is also known as the white matter. It consists of a network of supply and support cells between which the nerve processes, the axons, run in bundles. These bundles are combined into pathways. There are no cell bodies in the white matter. Their task is therefore to … Tasks of the cerebral medulla | Tasks of the cerebrum

Cooperation of the cerebrum with the cerebellum | Tasks of the cerebrum

Cooperation of the cerebrum with the cerebellum The cerebellum lies at the back of the skull, below the cerebrum. Also known as the cerebellum, it serves as a control centre for the coordination, learning and fine-tuning of movement sequences. It receives information from the organ of equilibrium in the ear, the spinal cord, the eyes, … Cooperation of the cerebrum with the cerebellum | Tasks of the cerebrum

Brain Ventricle

Anatomy The brain ventricles or cerebral ventricles are fluid-filled cavities surrounded by brain tissue and connected to each other by small holes. In them, the so-called cerebrospinal fluid is produced and stored (colloquially called nerve fluid), a nutrient medium for nerve cells, which also serves to protect the brain and nerve structures. The cerebrospinal fluid … Brain Ventricle

Enlargement of the brain ventricles of the baby | Brain Ventricle

Enlargement of the brain ventricles of the baby An expansion of the cerebrospinal fluid can also occur in babies.Such a “hydrocephalus” is caused by a predominant imbalance between production and absorption of the liquor. On average, 1 in 1000 babies is affected. Congenital hydrocephalus can have various causes. Possible causes are overproduction, a disturbance of … Enlargement of the brain ventricles of the baby | Brain Ventricle