Peroneal nerve

Synonyms Peroneal nerve, fibular nerve Introduction The nervus peroneus, also called the fibular nerve, is responsible for the nervous supply of the fibula and emerges from the sciatic nerve together with the tibial nerve, which supplies the tibia. Course of the peroneal nerve The nervus peroneus originates from the sciatic nerve at the back of … Peroneal nerve

Causes | Peroneal nerve

Causes The cause of the pain is irritation or damage to the peroneal nerve. This can happen, for example, through increased pressure on the nerve in the foot extensor box, for example in compartment syndrome, which can lead to the nerve dying off in the further course due to a lack of blood supply. Frequently, … Causes | Peroneal nerve


Introduction The “sciatic nerve“, colloquially known as the “sciatic nerve”, is one of the peripheral nerves of the nervous system, which serve to supply muscles and skin areas of the trunk and extremities. The peripheral nerve always lies outside the brain and emerges from the spinal canal in the immediate vicinity of its first supply … Sciatica

Femoral nerve

Synonyms Femoral Nerve Neuroanatomy of peripheral nerves The outer (peripheral) nerve fiber is surrounded by an endoneural sheath. This consists of longitudinal collagen fibrils and the basal membrane. The fibers with their sheaths are embedded in loose connective tissue (endoneurium). Several nerve fibers are bundled and surrounded by another sheath structure of connective tissue (perineurium) … Femoral nerve

Claw Hand

What is a claw hand? The claw hand (or claw hand) is the leading symptom of damage to the ulnar nerve (ulnar nerve). The ulnar nerve originates from the brachial plexus, a network of nerves at the level of the cervical spine, and runs downwards in depth on the back of the upper arm. Close … Claw Hand

Cause nerve damage to the ulnar nerve | Claw Hand

Cause nerve damage to the ulnar nerve There are three different locations of damage to the ulnar nerve: Elbow, wrist and palm. The elbow can be damaged by fractures, incorrect positioning during surgery, inflammation or age-related tissue decay. On the wrist, the most common causes are cuts, and in the palm, long-lasting pressure (e.g. from … Cause nerve damage to the ulnar nerve | Claw Hand

What does a weakening of the reflex indicate? | The Tibialis Posterior Reflex

What does a weakening of the reflex indicate? A reflex always runs through two nerve connections: From the muscle up to the spinal cord and then back to the muscle where the muscle movement (contraction) is triggered. When damage occurs in the reflex arc, the reflex becomes stronger or weaker, depending on the extent of … What does a weakening of the reflex indicate? | The Tibialis Posterior Reflex