Cabbage: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Cabbage used to be considered rather a food for poor people. Yet it has the potential to alleviate certain ailments and diseases. It is a helpful alternative to conventional medicine, without the side effects that accompany the use of cabbage for medicinal purposes.

Occurrence and cultivation of cabbage

In addition to white cabbage and savoy cabbage, red cabbage also exhibits healing properties. Different varieties of cabbage are suitable for the treatment of diseases. The white cabbage as well as savoy cabbage are particularly effective and versatile. White cabbage is not only used in different ways in the cuisine of numerous cultures, its use can be traced back to early history. Thus, the first mention of it in a publication can be found in Russian chronicles in 1073. White cabbage does not belong to seasonal vegetables, it is available throughout the year, which is due to the different varieties, ranging from early to winter cabbage. Cabbage needs a nutritious soil to grow. Just before it can be harvested, it has a greenish white color. It contains only a small amount of calories, in addition to vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. Originally, both the white cabbage and savoy cabbage come from Mediterranean areas. In the meantime, however, both types of cabbage are also grown in Germany, France or the Netherlands. In addition to white cabbage and savoy cabbage, red cabbage also has a healing effect. Its color changes depending on the pH of the soil in which it grows. The more acidic it is, the redder the closely lying leaves of the head cabbage appear.

Effect and application

Cabbage has a variety of treatment options. At least as diverse are the differentiated forms in which the vegetable can be used for medicinal purposes. On the one hand, it is suitable for external application, on the other hand, for internal disorders and complaints. The effect of cabbage is mainly due to its ingredients, which consists of a high number of different vitamins and other important elements. Already in ancient Greece and Rome, physicians and scholars knew about the efficiency of cabbage varieties. For example, at that time they were used for menstrual cramps. Nowadays, scientists have proved that cabbage is also suitable for lowering cholesterol levels, as the dietary fiber binds to bile acid. This in turn carries cholesterol, which can now be excreted through bowel movements. In addition, cabbage leaves contain substances that inhibit the growth of cells and have a detoxifying effect. Research to date has suggested that there may be a correlation between these elements and the effect on wounds and injuries, although there is no clear scientific evidence in this regard. Instead, the results are based increasingly on observations that have shown that cole leaves are supportive in painful conditions and wounds that heal only poorly. In this regard, leaves of savoy cabbage are suitable for existing pain, while white cabbage leaves are used for injuries. Before use, the leaves must be washed and dried. The large stalk is cut out and the leaves are pressed flat until the juice comes out. Then, the savoy leaves can be placed on the painful area and bandaged. For open wounds, the white cabbage leaf must be cut precisely and applied. For internal use, it is recommended to take the substances through food. Especially often cabbage is processed into sauerkraut. In this form, it is also said to be able to prevent cancer. The healthiest preparation pays attention to a short cooking time with low to medium temperature. In addition, it is possible to ingest the active ingredients through a juice, which makes it particularly beneficial for existing gastrointestinal complaints.

Importance for health, treatment and prevention.

The importance of cabbage for health should not be underestimated. On the one hand, it has the potential to act preventively, and on the other hand, it is suitable for treating existing ailments. It can be seen as a useful alternative to chemical drugs, side effects are not expected. Particularly in the case of external application, only high standards of hygiene must be observed in order not to risk infection of open wounds.Otherwise, due to certain proteins, cabbage is suitable for the treatment of ulcers, which can be localized in the stomach or duodenum. It helps to avoid skin inflammations and supports the healing of open wounds. The high vitamin content ensures that an existing vitamin C deficiency is compensated or prevented. With the elimination of such a deficiency, other existing symptoms are alleviated at the same time. Based on its strong anti-inflammatory properties, cabbage also helps with rheumatism or gastritis. At the same time, wraps can reduce the pain of those affected. Furthermore, it can relieve discomfort in the area of the intestine. These include constipation, for example. Due to its cholesterol-lowering properties, it may be able to prevent cardiovascular complaints such as heart attacks, because these are often caused by high blood lipids. Another preventive aspect is found in the prevention of cancer. Glucoinsolates and other components are suspected of actively counteracting tumors. Because cardiovascular diseases and malignant tumors are among the most frequent causes of death, cabbage can be attributed a very high health significance. Its efficiency can be described as both treating and preventing. Thus, it is not only suitable for numerous dishes, but should also be used away from the kitchen.