Disease mechanism | Circulatory disorders due to smoking

Disease mechanism The basic mechanism why circulatory disorders damage tissue is obvious. Due to the insufficient blood supply, too few nutrients and too little oxygen are transported to the cells. The cells need oxygen for a functioning metabolism and sufficient energy production.Most cells in the body, especially muscle cells, are able to withstand such a … Disease mechanism | Circulatory disorders due to smoking

How does smoking influence the blood flow in the brain? | Circulatory disorders due to smoking

How does smoking influence the blood flow in the brain? As in all other body regions, increased deposition, arteriosclerosis formation and calcification also occurs in the blood vessels of the brain. This worsens the blood circulation of the brain. The risk of a stroke increases. This occurs when the blood supply in a brain supply … How does smoking influence the blood flow in the brain? | Circulatory disorders due to smoking

Household remedy against circulatory problems

Household remedies are a good complementary way to treat circulatory problems. They are usually well tolerated and easy to use. However, one should not rely solely on household remedies and herbal medicines when treating a circulatory disorder. The effects of household remedies are usually not sufficiently proven in studies. Even if many household remedies are … Household remedy against circulatory problems

Diagnosis of peripheral arterial occlusive disease

Synonyms Diagnostics pAVK, examination for peripheral arterial occlusive disease, Ratschow storage test Diagnosis At the beginning the doctor asks for the patient’s medical history (anamnesis). The walking distance that can still be covered without pain is particularly important here. This is of particular importance for the stage classification of pAVK (see stage classification according to … Diagnosis of peripheral arterial occlusive disease

Sports | Circulatory disorder in the heart

Sports Sport has two important functions in relation to circulatory disorders. Physical activity and exercise is an important preventive measure and can promote oxygen supply and the formation of circulatory bypasses, especially in the case of arterial occlusive diseases. In addition, sport helps to reduce overweight and is often accompanied by a healthy diet. This … Sports | Circulatory disorder in the heart

How does arteriosclerosis develop? | Causes of arteriosclerosis

How does arteriosclerosis develop? The tear of the inner wall of the artery is considered by the body to be a place to be sealed as quickly as possible. For this reason, thrombocytes adhere there (natural sealing process of open vessels). Collagen, fatty substances and so-called proteoglycans also attach themselves to the tear. All substances … How does arteriosclerosis develop? | Causes of arteriosclerosis