How does smoking influence the blood flow in the brain? | Circulatory disorders due to smoking

How does smoking influence the blood flow in the brain?

As in all other body regions, increased deposition, arteriosclerosis formation and calcification also occurs in the blood vessels of the brain. This worsens the blood circulation of the brain. The risk of a stroke increases.

This occurs when the blood supply in a brain supply is no longer sufficient and the affected brain cells no longer function. Depending on the affected area, various functional failures occur. The poorer blood circulation can also result in a reduced ability to perform and concentrate.

How does smoking influence potency?

Studies have shown a clear link between smoking and erectile dysfunction. Smokers suffer about 50% more frequently from impotence than non-smokers. It was also found that particularly heavy cigarette consumption is associated with more pronounced erectile dysfunction.

The reason for this lies in the worsened supply of oxygen and nutrients to the penis. This is because smoking causes a narrowing of the penile artery due to deposits. As a result, not enough blood can enter the erectile tissue of the penis for an erection.

In addition, smokers’ fertility is reduced because the sperm are smaller and move less. However, impotence is a long-term consequence of smoking. It occurs only after several years. After stopping smoking, there is a significant improvement in erection problems.

How does smoking influence the blood circulation in the hand/finger?

The blood circulation in the hand or fingers is also impaired due to smoking. Blood circulation is impaired by calcification and arteriosclerosis of the blood vessels. As a rule, however, the symptoms are not as pronounced here as in other parts of the body.

Nevertheless, symptoms can occur due to the worsened blood supply. The complaints are quite unspecific. Due to the poorer blood supply, less heat reaches the hands and fingers, so that they become cold more often and faster.

Therapy circulatory disorders

In order to reduce the circulatory problems, smoking must be stopped. All other therapeutic measures are of no use if, in addition to the treatment, damage to the vascular system is also promoted. Basically, stagnation of the vascular changes can be achieved by a change in diet, a lot of sport and abstinence from tobacco.

Blood flow can be improved by anticoagulants, but these drugs also have undesirable side effects. If the narrowing is too far advanced, interventional or surgical treatment may be considered. For example, it is possible to expand the stenosed area with a balloon stent and keep it open or to place a bypass to a healthy vessel. These methods are known to most as interventions for occlusion of the coronary arteries (myocardial infarction). and medication Circulatory disorders