The symptoms | Blocked carotid artery – What to do?

The symptoms Clogged carotid arteries often remain asymptomatic or asymptomatic for a long time, so that they can go undetected for a while. Only after a certain degree of stenosis do the first symptoms appear, which are based on reduced or insufficient blood flow to the cerebral arteries. Typical complaints that can make clogged carotid … The symptoms | Blocked carotid artery – What to do?

The prognosis | Blocked carotid artery – What to do?

The prognosis The more the carotid arteries are narrowed, the higher the risk that the brain will be undersupplied with blood (ischemia) or that the vascular plaques will become unstable, detach and completely block smaller brain arteries (stroke). Often the blocked carotid arteries remain without symptoms for a long time, but nevertheless 2% of asymptomatic … The prognosis | Blocked carotid artery – What to do?