Diabetes insipidus

Synonyms in a broader sense Water urinary dysentery Definition Diabetes insipidus is the reduced ability of the kidneys to produce concentrated urine when there is a lack of water, i.e. when the body has too little fluid. One can distinguish between a central and a renal form (cause located in the kidney). Summary Diabetes insipidus … Diabetes insipidus

Diagnosis | Diabetes insipidus

Diagnosis There are essentially two options available for the clinical diagnosis of diabetes insipidus. In both cases the urinosmolarity is measured, i.e. the concentration of urine. On the one hand, the so-called thirst test is available to physicians. However, this is based on the cooperation of the patient. In the thirst test, which should last … Diagnosis | Diabetes insipidus

Laboratory | Diabetes insipidus

Laboratory There are various laboratory values and urine parameters that allow a differential diagnosis between a diabtes insipitus renalis or a diabetes insipitus centralis and other urinary concentration disorders. The main symptoms are a decreased sodium concentration and a reduced osmolality of the urine. This is due to the increased excretion of water and thus … Laboratory | Diabetes insipidus


Synonyms in a broader sense Diabetes mellitus, diabetes English: diabetes Introduction The term diabetes mellitus comes from Latin or Greek and means “honey-sweet flow”. This name comes from the fact that sufferers excrete a lot of sugar in their urine, which in the past helped doctors to diagnose it by simply tasting it. Diabetes mellitus … Diabetes

Hot flushes in men

Introduction The term hot flashes usually refers to a sudden feeling of warmth or heat, usually starting in the area of the torso or neck and continuing towards the head. Usually, this sensation is accompanied by increased sweating and a higher heart rate as well as a noticeable throbbing in the chest. The term describes … Hot flushes in men

Diagnosis | Hot flushes in men

Diagnosis Hot flashes are a subjective sensation in themselves and cannot be objectified. For a diagnosis, the cause of the hot flushes should therefore be found out. For this purpose, a detailed medical consultation is recommended in order to discuss the accompanying symptoms, the duration of the complaints and the habits of the person concerned. … Diagnosis | Hot flushes in men

Prognosis | Hot flushes in men

Prognosis Hot flashes should improve significantly once their triggers are treated or eliminated.Which measures can contribute to this is described above – but sometimes it is also a matter of “self-limiting” complaints: This means that the hot flushes disappear after a while without any further measures. If this is not the case, or if measures … Prognosis | Hot flushes in men

Diabetes mellitus

Sugar, diabetes, adult-onset diabetes, type I, type II, gestational diabetes. Literal translation: “honey-sweet flow”. Definition: Diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus, popularly known as diabetes (diabetes), is a chronic metabolic disease that is caused by an absolute or relative lack of insulin. The hallmark of this disease is a permanent elevation of the blood sugar level (hyperglycemia) … Diabetes mellitus