Homeopathic treatment | Esophagitis treatment

Homeopathic treatment There are several herbal remedies that are said by homeopaths to be effective in relieving the symptoms of esophagitis. These are said to be effective at various points. One of the points of attack is stomach motility, i.e. the transport of food. The homeopathic remedy nux vomica (German: Brechnuss) is intended to increase … Homeopathic treatment | Esophagitis treatment

Esophagitis treatment

Introduction The therapy can vary greatly depending on the form and origin of the esophagitis. General information General therapeutic measures for esophagitis/esophagitis must primarily ensure food intake. It may be necessary to insert a stomach tube temporarily to ensure food intake and also to prevent complete closure of the esophagus in the case of advanced … Esophagitis treatment

What are the symptoms of esophageal diverticula?

The signs (symptoms) of Zenker’s diverticulum begin insidiously and increase as the diverticulum grows in size. At the beginning of the disease, patients complain of frequent clearing of the throat, a chronic coughing irritation or a foreign body sensation in the throat. This is accompanied by bad breath due to the remaining food residues in … What are the symptoms of esophageal diverticula?


Definition Heartburn In heartburn (reflux disease) there is excessive reflux of acidic stomach contents (gastric acid) into the esophagus. The persistent chemical irritation caused by stomach acid causes an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus (reflux esophagitis). Synonyms reflux esophagitis, reflux disease, reflux, gastroesophageal disease Epidemiology In gastroenterological practice (gastrointestinal diseases) heartburn is … Heartburn

Can heartburn be a sign of pregnancy? | Heartburn

Can heartburn be a sign of pregnancy? Due to the constant chemical irritation of the stomach acid on the esophageal mucosa by heartburn, an inflammation of the esophagus (reflux esophagitis) can develop over time. Severe inflammation heals by scarring. Severe hub formation, in turn, can lead to narrowing of the esophagus (scar stenosis), which impairs … Can heartburn be a sign of pregnancy? | Heartburn

Gullet inflammation

The oesophagus, called in medicine from the Latin esophagus, is the part of the digestive tract that connects the mouth and throat area with the stomach. It is a kind of tube consisting of an outer layer of muscles and an inner mucosa that connects to the cavity of the tube. Through precisely coordinated contraction … Gullet inflammation

Esophageal diverticulum treatment

How is an esophageal diverticulum treated? Because the individual forms of esophageal diverticulum have different causes and also occur at different sites, it is worthwhile to look at the treatment of each diverticulum separately. Therapy of traction diverticula-parabronchial diverticula: Since this form of diverticulum rarely causes symptoms and the diagnosis is usually a chance finding, … Esophageal diverticulum treatment