Osteomyelitis of the Jaw Bones: Therapy

General measures Nicotine restriction (refraining from tobacco use). The following curative measures can be used for osteomyelitis of the jaw bones (osteomyelitis of the jaw bones): Hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO). In osteomyelitis of the jaw bones, a higher proportion of mixed infections with anaerobes or purely anaerobic infections can be assumed. Here, hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO; synonyms: … Osteomyelitis of the Jaw Bones: Therapy

Osteomyelitis of the Jaw Bones: Dental Therapy

Conventional non-surgical therapy methods Dental therapy In the therapy of primary chronic osteomyelitis, excessive surgical therapy is refrained from, especially in young patients, because of the uncertain long-term prognosis. Here, preservation of individual teeth by endodontic treatment (treatment of the root canal system, including the root tip) may be indicated.