Diagnosis | Diarrhea and psyche

Diagnosis The diagnosis of the psychological cause of the digestive problems is a so-called “exclusion diagnosis”. This means that if diarrhea occurs repeatedly, physical and organic diseases must be searched for first. As a rule, in the case of diarrhea with corresponding accompanying symptoms, blood tests and stool tests are first carried out. Furthermore, a … Diagnosis | Diarrhea and psyche

Duration/Prediction | Diarrhea and psyche

Duration/Prediction The duration and prognosis of the complaints can vary greatly and depend on the individual psychological stress reaction. The diarrhea can be only a temporary symptom in the acute phase of the stress reaction or it can remain chronic. The psychological stress may subside of its own accord or require psychotherapy. In these cases, … Duration/Prediction | Diarrhea and psyche

This prolongs the duration of the diarrhea | Duration of diarrhea

This prolongs the duration of the diarrhea A diarrhea illness can be prolonged by the wrong diet. One should stick to a light diet for the time being and only gradually start eating other foods again. There are some drugs that are supposed to work against diarrhoea. However, these are not given routinely as they … This prolongs the duration of the diarrhea | Duration of diarrhea

After how long do I have to see a doctor? | Duration of diarrhea

After how long do I have to see a doctor? There is no general answer to this question. Various factors, such as other secondary diseases or the age of the patient, play an important role. In healthy adults, a symptomatic therapy can first be carried out at home. Infants or older patients should see their … After how long do I have to see a doctor? | Duration of diarrhea

The diagnosis | Diarrhea caused by magnesium

The diagnosis Whether the diarrhea is caused by an increased magnesium concentration can be determined by simple laboratory tests. By taking a blood sample it can be checked how high the magnesium content in the blood actually is. An increased supply of magnesium also increases the concentration in the blood. This can be clearly shown … The diagnosis | Diarrhea caused by magnesium

Associated symptoms | Diarrhoea caused by vitamin C

Associated symptoms Large amounts of vitamin C can not only cause diarrhea. The strain on the gastrointestinal tract can also cause stomach cramps or nausea. These symptoms can even start before the diarrhoea starts. Just like diarrhoea, these symptoms are usually only temporary. They subside again as soon as the intake of excessive amounts of … Associated symptoms | Diarrhoea caused by vitamin C

Duration/Prediction | Diarrhoea caused by vitamin C

Duration/Prediction Diarrhea caused by vitamin C usually has a very good prognosis. The symptoms usually only last until the excess vitamin has been excreted from the intestine. It is naturally important not to continue to swallow too large quantities of vitamin C. Otherwise, the symptoms may reoccur or persist for a long period of time. … Duration/Prediction | Diarrhoea caused by vitamin C

Causes in the child | Causes of diarrhoea

Causes in the child Among many other causes, consumption of increased amounts of alcohol is in many cases responsible for the development of diarrhoea. Usually, liquid stool caused by alcohol is involved, but not classic diarrhoea, as this is only mentioned after more than three events. The change in stool consistency caused by alcohol is … Causes in the child | Causes of diarrhoea