Diseases without age restriction | Vomiting and fever

Diseases without age restriction The inflammation of the appendix occurs very frequently between the age of 10 and 30, but in some cases it can also affect significantly older people. Appendicitis is caused by an existing intestinal infection spreading to the appendix or when the emptying of the appendix is made difficult by obstacles. In … Diseases without age restriction | Vomiting and fever


Constipation, constipation, sluggish digestion Medical: constipation English = obstipation, constipation Constipation is a disturbance in the emptying of the bowel, which is characterized by a lack of bowel movement. A distinction is made between an acute and a chronic form of constipation. The first type of constipation starts suddenly (acute) and lasts only a short … Constipation

Differences of constipation in adults and children | Constipation

Differences of constipation in adults and children In both adults and children, constipation is usually caused by poor nutrition or insufficient physical activity. In infants, constipation is often caused by a change from one diet to another (for example, from breast milk to a complete dietary supplement). In children, emotional stress and pain during bowel … Differences of constipation in adults and children | Constipation

How can constipation be prevented or treated ? | Constipation

How can constipation be prevented or treated ? There are relatively simple measures that help to prevent constipation as far as possible. Nutrition plays an essential role here. Attention should be paid to a diet rich in fiber. Dietary fibre is found, for example, in wholemeal products, cereal products and fruit and vegetables. A sufficient … How can constipation be prevented or treated ? | Constipation

This is how you can stimulate a baby’s bowel movement | Stimulate the bowel movement

This is how you can stimulate a baby’s bowel movement First, there are very gentle methods, such as bathing and massages, to stimulate bowel movement. In addition, you can move your legs on the changing table like riding a bike or circle over your stomach at an angle. It also helps to carry the little … This is how you can stimulate a baby’s bowel movement | Stimulate the bowel movement

Diagnosis | Diarrhea after alcohol

Diagnosis Diarrhea describes the shorter or longer lasting release of excessively liquid stool. In the case of diarrhoea due to excessive alcohol consumption, there is a temporal connection between drinking and the occurrence of liquid stool. If one drinks in the evening or overnight, diarrhoea usually occurs during the morning or at noon. The extent … Diagnosis | Diarrhea after alcohol

Diagnosis | Diarrhea and psyche

Diagnosis The diagnosis of the psychological cause of the digestive problems is a so-called “exclusion diagnosis”. This means that if diarrhea occurs repeatedly, physical and organic diseases must be searched for first. As a rule, in the case of diarrhea with corresponding accompanying symptoms, blood tests and stool tests are first carried out. Furthermore, a … Diagnosis | Diarrhea and psyche