The symptoms in the child | The symptoms of iron deficiency

The symptoms in the child Iron deficiency often occurs in children as well. Especially in the growth phase, when blood volume and muscle mass increase, children have an increased need for iron, which must be covered by a balanced diet (meat, beans, peas, spinach, apricots, etc. are particularly rich in iron). In most cases, the … The symptoms in the child | The symptoms of iron deficiency

Food with high iron content | How to remedy an iron deficiency

Food with high iron content With a balanced diet, about 10-20mg of iron are taken in daily. Most of the iron in food is firmly bound to phosphates or polyphenols. These hardly soluble complexes can hardly be utilized by the body. Only small amounts of iron are therefore absorbed in the intestines. Every day, approx. … Food with high iron content | How to remedy an iron deficiency

How long does it take for hair to recover from iron deficiency? | How to remedy an iron deficiency

How long does it take for hair to recover from iron deficiency? Due to a long-standing iron deficiency, hair becomes thin, brittle, fragile and falls out more often. If the iron stores are replenished after 2-3 months of intensive therapy, the hair can also slowly regenerate. 3% of hair falls out every 4 weeks. New … How long does it take for hair to recover from iron deficiency? | How to remedy an iron deficiency

Iron deficiency headache

Why does iron deficiency lead to headaches? The supply of all organs in the body takes place via the transporter haemoglobin (blood pigment) in the red blood cells. If there is a pronounced iron deficiency, not enough haemoglobin can be produced. As a result, less oxygen can be bound and transported in the blood and … Iron deficiency headache

Causes Hypoglycaemia

Medical: Hypoglycemia Reactive hypoglycemia = postprandial hypoglycemia Fasting hypoglycaemia Exogenous hypoglycaemia Fasting hypoglycemia: hypoglycemia independent of food intake during fasting can have various causes. These include various types of tumors (including insulinoma (insulin-forming tumor), liver tumor), liver diseases and hormone disorders due to poor function of the adrenal cortex (cortisone) or the pituitary gland. In … Causes Hypoglycaemia