Promote healing | Episiotomy

Promote healing How long it takes for an episiotomy to heal depends on several factors. First of all, the length and depth are decisive. The longer and/or deeper an episiotomy is, the longer the healing time is usually. Furthermore, it is important how well the patient is generally cured. If healing disorders occur in the … Promote healing | Episiotomy

Episiotomy scar

Introduction An episiotomy is the most common obstetrical procedure of all. Its purpose is to widen the entrance to the vagina by cutting into the perineum (the region between the vagina and the anus). This is intended to make it easier for the baby to pass through and to relieve the mother’s pelvic floor. In … Episiotomy scar

Introduction of birth

Especially important for facilitating the birth are the avoidance of tension, fear and pain. Through breathing exercises and pregnancy exercises during the preparation for birth, techniques for relaxation and abdominal breathing can be learned which counteract tension during birth. Early information about the course of birth, a visit to the delivery room, human attention and … Introduction of birth

Premature Birth

Definition A premature birth is defined as a baby that is born before the completed 37th week of pregnancy. Usually the babies of a premature birth weigh less than 1500g. Preterm birth is associated with a number of risk factors for the baby. In principle, there are a number of causes for preterm birth, but … Premature Birth

Coccyx pain after birth

Definition After a birth, the extreme strain on the body can cause pain in various places. This often includes the coccyx, since many muscles of the pelvic floor are attached to it, which are put under great strain during birth. The coccyx can become bruised, dislocated or sometimes even broken. This causes severe pain after … Coccyx pain after birth

Prophylaxis | Retinopathy of Premature Infants

Prophylaxis Retinopathy of prematurity can be prevented by trying to prevent the premature birth itself. The pregnant woman should seek advice from her gynecologist (gynecologist). In premature babies, the oxygen content of the blood should always be measured and regularly checked. The regular and frequent examination by an experienced ophthalmologist is essential for the prognosis … Prophylaxis | Retinopathy of Premature Infants