The child has flatulence | Childhood problems with breastfeeding

The child has flatulence Self-reproaches are counterproductive, since the maternal nutrition usually has nothing at all to do with the infantile flatulence (see behavior in the lactation period). One should try out which foods are tolerated and which are not. In the case of suspect foods, an outlet test can help. Once the flatulence is … The child has flatulence | Childhood problems with breastfeeding

Does the common cold affect the quantity and quality of breast milk? | How dangerous is a cold during the nursing period?

Does the common cold affect the quantity and quality of breast milk? A cold usually has no influence on the quantity and quality of breast milk. During a cold, the mother should make sure that she drinks enough and eats a healthy diet. Often the appetite is missing when a cold occurs. Nevertheless, one should … Does the common cold affect the quantity and quality of breast milk? | How dangerous is a cold during the nursing period?

Associated symptoms | How dangerous is a cold during the nursing period?

Associated symptoms A simple cold usually only leads to very mild symptoms. The nose runs, itches and is congested. As a result, nasal breathing can be impaired and more breathing is done through the mouth. A general feeling of illness and exhaustion are also typical. Slightly elevated temperatures can also occur. However, fever is untypical. … Associated symptoms | How dangerous is a cold during the nursing period?

Which home remedies can help? | How dangerous is a cold during the nursing period?

Which home remedies can help? There are some home remedies that have proven to be effective in fighting a cold, most notably the classic tea for colds. It doesn’t matter which type of tea you ultimately use. Herbal teas are particularly recommended. Some pharmacists and doctors advise against peppermint tea while breast-feeding, as this tea … Which home remedies can help? | How dangerous is a cold during the nursing period?

What could be the consequences for my baby? | Smoking during the breastfeeding period

What could be the consequences for my baby? Maternal smoking during pregnancy is a considerable burden on the unborn child. This is clear to most people. But what about maternal smoking during breastfeeding? The effects of maternal smoking during the breastfeeding period on the child have not been studied as well as during pregnancy. Nevertheless, … What could be the consequences for my baby? | Smoking during the breastfeeding period

Weaning and breastfeeding despite smoking? | Smoking during the breastfeeding period

Weaning and breastfeeding despite smoking? The recommendations regarding breastfeeding and smoking are not uniform.Some recommend breastfeeding, others argue more for weaning. In the end, the individual situation should be considered. The more harmful substances are contained in breast milk, the greater the risk for the child to come to harm through breastfeeding. Especially mothers who … Weaning and breastfeeding despite smoking? | Smoking during the breastfeeding period

How many cigarettes per day are reasonable? | Smoking during the breastfeeding period

How many cigarettes per day are reasonable? When it comes to smoking while breast-feeding, there are no limits on the number of cigarettes that can be taken into account. Every single cigarette already represents a burden for maternal and child health. Therefore, no limit can be given from which damage can be assumed. It is … How many cigarettes per day are reasonable? | Smoking during the breastfeeding period

Lactating alcohol

Introduction Many women would like to drink alcohol again after the privations during pregnancy. However, alcohol still poses a risk to the child even after pregnancy during the breastfeeding phase. As a general rule of thumb, the alcohol concentration in the mother’s blood passes into breast milk and is absorbed by the child to almost … Lactating alcohol

Consequences and damage of alcohol during lactation | Lactating alcohol

Consequences and damage of alcohol during lactation Alcohol consumption during breastfeeding has effects on both the mother and the infant and can have numerous consequences. On the maternal side, alcohol interferes with the hormonal balance and reduces the level of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for the milk-donor reflex. The reduced milk flow causes a milk … Consequences and damage of alcohol during lactation | Lactating alcohol

Breast Milk

Composition Mother’s milk consists mainly of water. It contains substances such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, trace elements, vitamins, hormones and defence cells. The main source of energy is fats, which can be optimally resorbed (absorbed) by the simultaneous presence of the cleaving enzyme lipase. During breastfeeding, the composition, quantity and even the taste of … Breast Milk