Contraception | Fertile days

Contraception There are several natural contraceptive methods that aim to limit the fertile and infertile days of the female cycle. Ovulation calculators, menstrual calendars, but also symptothermal methods are used, in which the assessment of the cervical mucus and the measurement of basal body temperature are the main focus. Symptothermal methods are considered relatively safe … Contraception | Fertile days

The cost of the spiral

Synonyms Intrauterine device (IUD), intrauterine system (IUS), mechanical contraception Costs The copper spiral costs about 120 to 200 € for an application period of 3 – 5 years, the hormone spiral about 250 to 350 € for an application period of 5 years. Both prices include consultation, examination and insertion. The costs for the consultation … The cost of the spiral

GyneFix® copper chain

What is a GyneFix®? A Gynefix® is a hormone-free method of contraception. It is a small copper chain that is inserted directly into the woman’s uterus. The principle of action corresponds to that of an intrauterine device (also called a coil): Gynefix® is made of copper, which in turn inhibits the movement of sperm. As … GyneFix® copper chain

When does the health insurance company cover the costs? | GyneFix® copper chain

When does the health insurance company cover the costs? A cost absorption of the copper chain by the health insurance with most service providers only in exceptional cases. For example, some health insurance companies cover the costs of contraceptives for young women up to the age of 20 and thus also for a Gynefix®. Health … When does the health insurance company cover the costs? | GyneFix® copper chain

How is the copper chain implanted? | GyneFix® copper chain

How is the copper chain implanted? In an informative conversation at the beginning of the treatment, the patient is informed about the implantation procedure and possible risks. She must then sign a consent form. Another prerequisite for the implantation of a copper chain is an inconspicuous cancer smear, which must not be older than one … How is the copper chain implanted? | GyneFix® copper chain

Can a GyneFix cause pain? | GyneFix® copper chain

Can a GyneFix cause pain? Lower abdominal pain occurs more frequently directly after the implantation of the copper chain. The chain is attached to the uterine wall with a small anchoring node. This procedure causes a small injury to the uterine muscle and can cause cramp-like pain.Normally these complaints disappear within a few days. Severe … Can a GyneFix cause pain? | GyneFix® copper chain

Is it possible to do an MRT with the copper chain? | GyneFix® copper chain

Is it possible to do an MRT with the copper chain? Before you undergo a magnetic resonance examination (MRI) or an X-ray, you must tell your doctor that you are wearing a copper chain. The GyneFix® contains parts made of copper, but these are not magnetically active and therefore cannot cause problems during an MRI. … Is it possible to do an MRT with the copper chain? | GyneFix® copper chain

Instructions | Tricks when putting on the condom

Instructions How safely a condom actually protects against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases depends above all on whether the users put the condom on properly. Putting on condoms that are too old and have expired offers no protection. The expiration date of each condom is noted on the individual packaging and should be checked … Instructions | Tricks when putting on the condom

Procedure after ejaculation | Tricks when putting on the condom

Procedure after ejaculation In order not to negatively influence the protective effect of a condom even after lovemaking, there are a few principles on how to proceed with the contraceptive. In this context, it is particularly important that the condom is held in place after ejaculation when the member is withdrawn. Otherwise the condom may … Procedure after ejaculation | Tricks when putting on the condom