Laser therapy for astigmatism

Introduction Astigmatism, colloquially known as astigmatism or astigmatism, is a widespread form of ametropia in addition to the classic long and near-sightedness. Until a few years ago, it was usually treated with the use of special glasses or contact lenses. For some years now, ophthalmologists have been offered another treatment option: laser treatment. This low-complication … Laser therapy for astigmatism

Correction | Laser therapy for astigmatism

Correction After the strength of the refractive error has been determined using special diagnostics, such as an opthalmometer (to measure the curvature of the cornea), a correction of the astigmatism can be attempted. Various treatment methods are available for this purpose. Primarily, ophthalmic lenses with a special cylinder cut are used, which are therefore also … Correction | Laser therapy for astigmatism

Corneal curvature in the child

Definition Astigmatism in children is a deformation of the cornea. Incoming light is distorted on the retina and children’s vision becomes blurred and blurred. Without early and adequate treatment, far-reaching developmental delays can occur. Most children who suffer from astigmatism are conspicuous by the fact that they are significantly clumsier than other children. An undetected … Corneal curvature in the child

Symptoms in babies and toddlers | Symptoms of astigmatism

Symptoms in babies and toddlers Since astigmatism is in most cases a congenital impairment of vision, it is particularly important to test a child’s vision at a very young age in order to determine and adequately treat any astigmatism. Of course, the character, nature and development of each child is different, but some of them … Symptoms in babies and toddlers | Symptoms of astigmatism

Symptoms of astigmatism

Summary of symptoms of astigmatism Astigmatism Visual disorders Burning eyes Headaches Long-sightedness (hyperopia) Nearsightedness (Myopia) An experienced eye specialist can determine the astigmatism (astigmatism/ astigmatism) by means of a series of tests. These include a simple eye test, a refraction test, a corneal measurement or electronic imaging of the eye surface. Common symptoms of astigmatism … Symptoms of astigmatism

Values of astigmatism

If the cornea is unphysiologically curved in its meridians, image distortion occurs. Regular astigmatism is a refractive error defined by such an altered corneal curvature. The normal-sighted eye has a cornea that is not spherically curved, but has precisely defined curvatures in the vertical and horizontal directions. These curvatures are essential to be able to … Values of astigmatism

Diagnosis | What is a corneal detachment?

Diagnosis If a corneal detachment is suspected, an anamnesis, i.e. a doctor-patient consultation, should first be conducted to identify possible causes for the damage to the cornea. Usually the characteristic very strong pain is an indication, since the cornea is very well supplied by nerves. The most important examination tool of an ophthalmologist when suspecting … Diagnosis | What is a corneal detachment?