Exercises for the arms | Vibration plate training

Exercises for the arms

Dips push-up forearm support

  • Execution: Support yourself with stretched elbows at the back of the vibration plate, sit on the edge of the vibration plate and stretch your legs forward. Put your heels up, then lift your buttocks slightly and bend your elbows up to about 110° and then stretch them again. Repeat this for 30 seconds in 3 sets.
  • Execution: Support the vibration plate with both hands, keeping the elbows slightly bent and keeping the body in a straight line. Hold this position for about 30 seconds and repeat this 3 times.
  • Support with both forearms on the vibration plate, pull the shoulder blades towards the spine and keep the body in line. Hold this position for about 30 seconds and repeat 3 times.
  • Variation side support: Support laterally only with one forearm on the vibration plate and keep your body in a straight line.

Calorie consumption

The calorie consumption during vibration training depends on the exercises performed and the basic constitution of the person exercising. On average, a 20-minute workout can be expected to consume between 150 and 250 kcal of calories. Compared to jogging or swimming, this is relatively low. The effect of vibration training is therefore not to be seen in the calorie consumption, but rather in muscle building and improved coordination. Calorie consumption during vibration training can be increased, for example, by more dynamic exercise sequences and a high number of repetitions.

Vibration training for arthrosis

Vibration training can help with arthrosis: Vibration training is not recommended only in cases of activated arthrosis, i.e. inflammatory processes in the joint, or if the muscular support of the joint is very poor. Vibration plates that perform a side-alternating movement are particularly recommended for training in osteoarthritis, as they promote neuromuscular coordination more strongly. However, if the training leads to a lasting worsening of the symptoms, it may be better to do another type of coordination and strength training. The following articles may also be of interest to you in this regard:

  • To improve neuromuscular coordination
  • To strengthen the muscles surrounding the joints
  • Loosen muscles and tendons and release tension
  • Knee Arthrosis
  • Shoulder Arthrosis
  • Hip Arthrosis
  • Ankle Joint Arthrosis