Symptoms of rib fracture | Sport after a rib fracture

Symptoms of rib fracture The symptoms are generally severe chest pain, especially when breathing, speaking, and coughing. Thus, the rib fracture is symptomatically only slightly different from a rib contusion. The patient therefore often reacts with shallow (because less painful) breathing, up to dyspnoea, i.e. breathing difficulties. This condition is particularly unpleasant for the patient, … Symptoms of rib fracture | Sport after a rib fracture

Prognosis of a rib fracture | Sport after a rib fracture

Prognosis of a rib fracture A rib fracture usually heals completely without complications within 2-3 weeks. However, there is an impairment, especially at night, when the patient turns on the fractured side and develops a sleep deficit due to the pain. Here, good pain therapy is an important prerequisite! In addition, rib fractures and rib … Prognosis of a rib fracture | Sport after a rib fracture

Duration of pain | Healing time of the fracture of the femoral neck

Duration of pain A fracture of the neck of the femur is often associated with considerable pain. The operation itself also usually causes considerable pain. As a rule, a significant improvement in pain occurs after a few weeks. Adequate pain therapy and early mobilization with supportive physiotherapy are supportive. Duration of rehabilitation The medical rehabilitation … Duration of pain | Healing time of the fracture of the femoral neck

Aftercare of an external ankle fracture

How is an outer ankle fracture treated? The follow-up treatment following an external ankle fracture depends on how complicated the fracture was (and whether there were accompanying injuries) and what kind of therapy was required for the external ankle fracture. In general, however, the following principles can be followed: Whether the fracture was treated conservatively … Aftercare of an external ankle fracture

Pelvic ring fracture

Introduction The pelvic ring fracture refers to a fracture of the bone that interrupts the integrity of the so-called pelvic ring. The term “pelvic ring” (Cingulum membri pelvini) is derived from a cross-sectional view of the pelvis in which the pelvic bones are contiguous and arranged in a ring shape. The pelvic ring represents the … Pelvic ring fracture

What can I do to make the rib fracture heal faster? | Rib fracture – what can you do?

What can I do to make the rib fracture heal faster? The healing time of a rib fracture cannot be shortened. Like any other bone, the ribs simply need time to grow back together. It is important to take medication for the pain when necessary and to avoid excessive stress on the ribs. This includes, … What can I do to make the rib fracture heal faster? | Rib fracture – what can you do?