Non-surgical treatment | Outer ankle fracture

Non-surgical treatment A non-operative or even conservative therapy of an external ankle fracture (ankle fracture) is a good alternative compared to a surgical intervention, which of course involves the general risks of surgery. A prerequisite for the non-operative therapy of an external ankle fracture is that the fracture is uncomplicated and stable. A bone fracture … Non-surgical treatment | Outer ankle fracture

Aftercare | Surgery after an external ankle fracture

Aftercare After successful surgery of the external ankle fracture, an early functional follow-up treatment can take place, i.e. the mobility of the ankle joint can be trained while relieving the operated leg. A lower leg cast is only necessary in the case of extensive fractures. The inserted wound tubes (Redon drainages) are removed on the … Aftercare | Surgery after an external ankle fracture

Breastbone fracture

Introduction The sternum is the bone that connects the left and right ribs in the upper body. It consists of three parts: The sternum is a fairly strong bone and breaks quite rarely, because it needs a strong impact on this bone before it breaks. This usually happens in car accidents where drivers are not … Breastbone fracture

Causes | Breastbone fracture

Causes A sternum fracture often occurs in a car accident. The strong impact on the steering wheel and the pull of the seat belt are responsible for the trauma. A car accident causes severe violence to the bone tissue, which may be osteoporotic. In addition, cardiac massage as part of resuscitation can also lead to … Causes | Breastbone fracture

Forecast | Breastbone fracture

Forecast In most cases, fractures of the sternum heal within a few weeks without complications. In rare cases, pseudoarthrosis may develop. Duration A fracture of the sternum (sternal fracture) occurs very rarely, especially when the sternum has been subjected to enormous mechanical stress, for example in a car accident in which the rider was thrown … Forecast | Breastbone fracture

When can I start exercising again after a sternum fracture? | Breastbone fracture

When can I start exercising again after a sternum fracture? If you break your sternum, you should refrain from sports and heavy physical activity for at least eight weeks. During this time you should not lift heavily and take care of yourself physically. If you then start doing sports again, you should slowly start training … When can I start exercising again after a sternum fracture? | Breastbone fracture

Therapy of the external ankle fracture

Introduction The external ankle fracture (fibula fracture) can be treated surgically or conservatively. Which treatment is appropriate in individual cases depends on the exact location of the fracture and which structures are affected. In this context, it is particularly important whether the syndesmosis (“ligament adhesion”) between the inner and outer ankle is also affected and … Therapy of the external ankle fracture

Conservative therapy for external ankle fracture | Therapy of the external ankle fracture

Conservative therapy for external ankle fracture In principle, conservative therapy of the external ankle fracture is possible for non-displaced fractures and fractures without syndesmosis injury. This includes simple external ankle fractures or internal ankle fractures below the syndesmosis as well as non-displaced external ankle fractures at the level of the syndesmosis, provided that the syndesmosis … Conservative therapy for external ankle fracture | Therapy of the external ankle fracture

Operation for fracture of the lateral malleolus | Therapy of the external ankle fracture

Operation for fracture of the lateral malleolus In unstable or displaced fractures of the Weber B and C types, in which the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle has very probably or certainly also been injured, as well as in so-called open fractures, in which one or more of the fragments protrude through the skin to … Operation for fracture of the lateral malleolus | Therapy of the external ankle fracture

Symptoms of an external ankle fracture

The physician sees the classic picture of an external ankle fracture as follows: Swelling Hematoma discoloration (bruise) Pain Misalignment Function restriction (Funktio laesa) Depending on the extent of the fracture and the accompanying injuries, the above-mentioned signs (symptoms) of an external ankle fracture occur in varying degrees and locations. On reaching the doctor, the injured … Symptoms of an external ankle fracture