Consequences of a basal skull fracture | Skull base fracture

Consequences of a basal skull fracture The consequences of a skull base fracture depend largely on the possible concomitant injuries and (late) complications. An uncomplicated basal skull fracture without concomitant injuries or complications and without displaced fragments usually heals without consequences after a few days or weeks. The undesirable complications and consequences of a complicated … Consequences of a basal skull fracture | Skull base fracture

Complicated skull base fracture | Skull base fracture

Complicated skull base fracture The situation is different for a complicated fracture, i.e. when the individual fragments are shifted against each other. Then an operation should be performed to bring the fragments back into their correct position and to stabilize them with plates, wires and/or screws if necessary. After the surgical procedure, patients must remain … Complicated skull base fracture | Skull base fracture

Skull base fracture

Synonyms Basal skull fracture Cranial roof fractures (skull calotte fracture) Basal skull fractures (skull base fracture) Facial skull fractures The skull base is formed by parts of the frontal bone (Os frontale), sphenoid bone (Os sphenoidale), ethmoid bone (Os ethmoidale), occipital bone (Os occipitale) and temporal bone (Os temporale). The inner cranial base is divided … Skull base fracture

Surgical therapy | Therapy of a fracture of the spoke and wrist

Surgical therapy All unstable fractures and those with accompanying vascular and nerve injuries must be treated surgically. The same applies to fractures where no satisfactory fracture repair is possible. Before any operation, the patient must be informed about the type of procedure, alternatives, risks and chances of success and give his or her written consent. … Surgical therapy | Therapy of a fracture of the spoke and wrist

Therapy of a fracture of the spoke and wrist

Note You are here in the sub-theme Symptoms of spoke breakage. You can find general information on this topic under Spoke breakage or under Spoke breakage duration. Therapy of wrist fracture Fractures near the wristSpoke fractures can generally be treated conservatively or surgically. The decision is made on the basis of the X-ray image. In … Therapy of a fracture of the spoke and wrist

Conservative therapy | Therapy of a fracture of the spoke and wrist

Conservative therapy At the beginning of each therapy, the fracture is repositioned, followed by fracture stabilization. Simple, non-displaced (non-displaced) fractures do not need to be set up. This type of fracture can easily be treated in a plaster cast for 6 weeks. Most pediatric radius fractures fall under this category (approx. 3 weeks of plaster … Conservative therapy | Therapy of a fracture of the spoke and wrist

After the surgery | Therapy of collarbone fracture

After the surgery Sometimes a conservative therapy of the collarbone fracture is not sufficient, so that a surgical treatment of the fracture is aimed at. Surgical treatment is performed if the clavicle is severely displaced, if it is an open fracture, if vessels and nerves are injured or if the conservative immobilization has caused the … After the surgery | Therapy of collarbone fracture