How much can/should I lose weight with this diet? | Kornspitz diet

How much can/should I lose weight with this diet?

Users will be pleased with the initial effect: In a few days, the scale can display up to 3 kilos less. This is water that leaves the body together with the sugar stores from the liver and muscles. Afterwards, the large calorie deficit also leads to weight loss, although this is much slower. It is not recommended to follow the diet for more than two weeks. If you want to lose weight permanently and healthily, you must eat a balanced diet and take in all the important building blocks of the body through food.

Side effects of diet

With the Kornspitz diet, as with all crash diets, a very large calorie deficit is achieved. In addition, the amount of carbohydrates is extremely reduced. This brings with previous normal nourishing way a large weight loss on the balance: Loosely up to 2 or more Kilos can be “down”.

However, this is not a loss of fat mass, but of water, which was stored together with glycogen in the liver. If these sugar stores are not filled any further, water is lost along with them. The diet gives the user the illusion of an unrealistically large effect.

In addition, the calorie deficit is very high, which leads to an early termination for many people. By refilling the sugar stores, the lost water is also stored in the body again. Many describe this as the dreaded “yo-yo effect”.

Also in this diet form, clearly too little protein is supplied: These are vital building blocks for the body. In addition to water, valuable muscle mass also disappears. Many people suffer from symptoms of carbohydrate deprivation, especially in the first few days, and feel tired, weak, moody and weak.Some even have to fight with circulation problems.

The changeover to a low-carbohydrate diet is noticeable for many users in the form of slumps in performance, tiredness and moodiness. If the body lacks important nutrients or the calorie deficit is too high, it can lead to ravenous hunger attacks. The Kornspitz diet should not be carried out over a longer period of time, as it is not a balanced, full-fledged form of nutrition. One risks with it health-endangering nutrient deficiencies.