Total duration of treatment for vertebral fracture | Duration of a vertebral fracture

Total duration of treatment for vertebral fracture The treatment of a vertebral fracture can last between 6 and 8 weeks. A conservative therapy includes stabilizing measures such as physiotherapy or the application of a corset. Of course, a good pain therapy is also important. In the case of surgical treatment, follow-up can take up to … Total duration of treatment for vertebral fracture | Duration of a vertebral fracture

Therapy | Broken toe

Therapy Due to the painful and movement-restricting symptoms, therapy should definitely be started early. In the acute situation, the toe fracture can be relieved somewhat by cooling, holding the toe in a gentle position and elevating it. Painkillers such as aspirin or ibuprofen or an ointment treatment with diclofenac can also help to relieve the … Therapy | Broken toe

Broken toe

Definition A toe fracture, also called toe fracture, describes the fracture of a big or small toe bone on the foot, usually caused by a traumatic accident mechanism. In the case of external force, this is referred to as an impact trauma. This can occur, for example, when a person collides with a hard object … Broken toe

Neck tensions

Introduction Neck tensions show up as persistent pain caused by increased basic tension (muscle tone) of the neck muscles. These often become stronger during movements, although they do not subside completely even when at rest. The trapezius muscle is often affected, one of the most prominent muscles in the neck, which extends from the underside … Neck tensions

Symptoms | Neck tensions

Symptoms Initially, patients with tense neck muscles feel a mostly local pressure on the corresponding muscle areas. If this does not lead to a relaxation of the muscles, a hardening of the muscles soon develops, which can also then affect the surrounding nerve tracts. This leads to moderate to severe pain. The pain is described … Symptoms | Neck tensions

Diagnosis | Neck tensions

Diagnosis Since neck tensions have many different causes, it can sometimes be difficult to make a diagnosis. In the case of stress-related causes and signs of wear and tear, such as osteoporosis or arthrosis, a visit to the family doctor can be helpful. Malpositions of the spine can best be visualized with imaging techniques such … Diagnosis | Neck tensions

Conversion osteotomy

Corrective osteotomy Definition A repositioning osteotomy is understood to be the removal of one or more bone connections from each other, the correction of the deviating axes and the rejoining of the bone connections in the presence of malpositioned joints. Rearrangement osteotomies are always performed when considerable axial displacement and malalignment has occurred in various … Conversion osteotomy

Aftercare | Conversion osteotomy

Aftercare Shortly after the operation, the affected joint should be spared and immobilized for the time being until the newly joined bone ends are in a stable condition again. Depending on the joint and the operation performed, this period of rest can last 6-12 weeks. It is necessary to take x-rays of the operated joint … Aftercare | Conversion osteotomy