Various causes | Swollen lip

Various causes

Inflamed or sensitive gums can cause swelling of the lips on the inside of the lip. This can have different causes. It can be caused by inflammation, improper care of teeth and gums, intolerance of toothpaste ingredients, lack of nutrients, a weakened immune system or stress, gum problems.

In addition, gum problems with associated swelling of the lips can be hereditary. This is known as a so-called genetic disposition. Lip swelling caused by diseased gums can also manifest itself in different ways and to different degrees.

Sometimes in the form of aphthae. If the gums are permanently inflamed and swollen, this should be examined by a dentist. If the cause is suspected to be an infection or a lack of vitamins and minerals, a blood test should be carried out by a family doctor. If the exact cause is known, appropriate measures should be taken to prevent permanent damage to the gums and teeth.

General information

The lip is a paired organ. In most cases the lower lip is larger than the upper lip. Lip size and its shape and color are culturally and individually different.

One speaks of lip swelling when the individual normal range of the lip is exceeded. This is usually not only annoying due to the appearance, but unpleasant accompanying complaints and sometimes severe pain can occur. Due to the fine, sensitive skin of the lips, they are particularly at risk of injury and swelling.