Operation for the insertion of a disc prosthesis

Intervertebral disc prostheses are operated on from the front (neck or abdomen), regardless of whether the cervical or lumbar spine is affected. An example (picture below) is the implantation in the lumbar spine. Within the framework of a disc prosthesis implantation, various surgical steps must be performed. Since not every operation follows the same pattern, … Operation for the insertion of a disc prosthesis

Prospects of success | Operation for the insertion of a disc prosthesis

Prospects of success As already mentioned, modern disc prostheses are only implanted relatively recently (for 4-5 years) on a significant scale. Therefore there are no long-term studies on the durability of these prostheses. It has also not yet been proven that the disc prosthesis prevents a subsequent degeneration of the adjacent segments. However, the short … Prospects of success | Operation for the insertion of a disc prosthesis

Intervertebral disc prosthesis of the cervical spine

Degenerative (wear-related) diseases of the cervical spine are becoming increasingly common. On the one hand, they occur as part of a natural aging process, but they can also be caused by trauma or be promoted by factors such as long working hours at the computer and lack of exercise. Such degeneration of the intervertebral discs … Intervertebral disc prosthesis of the cervical spine