Therapy of Spondylolisthesis

Therapy of spondylolisthesis in infantile/adolescent spondylolysis with little spondylolisthesis (Meyerding 1-2) without symptoms in the sense of a random diagnosis: No therapy necessary. As a prophylactic measure, physiotherapy can be performed to relieve the spinal column by stabilizing the abdomen and back. Subsequently, the exercises can be performed independently at home. School and mass sports … Therapy of Spondylolisthesis

Conservative therapy | Spondylolisthesis causes

Conservative therapy Severe symptoms can significantly reduce the quality of life with this disease.Early and appropriate therapy can prevent the progression of spondylolisthesis and significantly reduce pain. Within the framework of conservative therapy, the patient is first given sufficient information on how to specifically relieve the strain on his spine in everyday and working life. … Conservative therapy | Spondylolisthesis causes

Spondylolisthesis causes

In a healthy spine, this forms a uniform S-curve (physiological lordosis and kyphosis). The individual vertebral bodies sit firmly one on top of the other and are attached and reinforced by joints, ligaments and muscles. Spondylolisthesis is the slippage of one or more vertebrae of the spine. In most cases, the vertebrae shift forwards, but … Spondylolisthesis causes