Therapy of Spondylolisthesis

  • Therapy of spondylolisthesis in infantile/adolescent spondylolysis with little spondylolisthesis (Meyerding 1-2) without symptoms in the sense of a random diagnosis: No therapy necessary. As a prophylactic measure, physiotherapy can be performed to relieve the spinal column by stabilizing the abdomen and back. Subsequently, the exercises can be performed independently at home.

    School and mass sports are permitted. Avoidance of competitive sports in the development of sports called spondylolisthesis. Annual MRI checks of the lumbar spine until growth is complete.

  • Therapy of spondylolisthesis in infantile/adolescent spondylolysis with little spondylolisthesis (Meyerding 1-2) and complaints in the sense of Back pain: Depending on the progression of the disease, stage of the disease, complaints and age of the patient are used: Physiotherapy, non-steroidal anti-rheumatic drugs (NSAIDs), physical therapy, injection of the lysis zone, wearing of a flexion orthosis (special bodice) when standing and walking, plaster corset treatment, surgical fusion of the lysis zone (“direct repair”), spinal fusion spondylodesis (spondylodesis) with or without adjustment (reduction) of the slipped vertebra.

    School and mass sports are only permitted if they are free of complaints. Not competitive sports. Annual MRT checks until growth is complete.

  • Therapy of spondylolisthesis in infantile/adolescent spondylolysis with severe spondylolisthesis (Meyerding 3-I4), complaints and/or neurological deficits: Surgical intervention with spinal fusion (spondylodesis) and installation (reduction) of the slipped vertebra.
  • Therapy of spondylolisthesis in degenerative spondylolysis with low spondylolisthesis (Meyerding I-II) and back pain Physiotherapy (abdominal and back muscle training), Non-steroidal anti-rheumatic drugs (NSAIDs), Physical therapy (e.g. physical therapy (e.g. current therapy, massage), injection of the lysis zone, infiltrations near the spinal cord; nerve root infiltrations, wearing a stabilizing girdle, spine-friendly sports (backstroke swimming, cycling, dancing, Nordic walking).