Production | Grape silver candle


The dried rootstock of the medicinal plant grape silver candle, which not only comes from the North American forests, but is also cultivated in Europe, is used medicinally. 4 – 12 m long rhizomes are dug up, washed and dried after the summer. Characteristic ingredients are triterpene (actein and cimigoside).

In addition, phenylpropane derivatives, cimicifugic acid and flavonoids are also found. The effectiveness of the various active ingredients, however, is only effective in combination with the active ingredients of the medicinal plant roots. Preparations containing extracts are available as drops or tablets in pharmacies.

Therapy and application areas

The medical use of the rootstock of the grape silver candle is especially recommended for

  • Premenstrual complaints (P. M. S.)
  • For menstrual cramps
  • For problems during the menopause
  • Bronchial asthma (

Side effect and interaction

When taking the medicinal plant grape silver candle, stomach problems may occasionally occur. The silver grape candle should not be taken during pregnancy or while breast-feeding. In case of breast or uterus cancer, the silver grape candle should only be taken under medical supervision! Occasionally a slight weight gain has been observed.

Dosage form

Preparations containing extract are available as drops or tablets. A daily dose should consist of an extract of at least 40 mg grape silver candle root. Isopropandic extracts (40%) or ethanolic extracts (40 to 60%) correspond to 40 to 160 mg grape silver candle root.

Film tablets are also available as ready-to-use preparations. Tea preparations are not common. The application of the grape silver candle should always be carried out over a longer period of time, as the effect only sets in after several weeks.

ManufacturerTrade names

Manufacturers are given as examples and were selected at random. We have no personal connection with any manufacturer! Klimadynon® | N2 60 Tabl. | 7,60 € Klimadynon® | N3 90 Tabl.| 10,60 € as of January 2004