Tendovaginitis de Quervain | Tendinitis causes and treatment

Tendovaginitis de Quervain Tendovaginitis stenosans de Quervain is a special form of tendosynovitis, which is exclusively limited to the tendons of the thumb. The inflammatory process thus affects the tendon sheaths of the thumb attachment points of two muscles (Musculus abductor pollicis longus and Musculus extensor pollicis brevis), so that their tendons are less able … Tendovaginitis de Quervain | Tendinitis causes and treatment

Associated symptoms | Tendon inflammation in the hollow of the knee

Associated symptoms Inflammation of the tendon in the popliteal fossa primarily involves the five typical symptoms of inflammation: pain, redness, overheating, swelling and limited mobility of the popliteal fossa. The pain is most noticeable when the affected muscles are strained and is therefore more noticeable during physical exertion. The reddening and overheating of the popliteal … Associated symptoms | Tendon inflammation in the hollow of the knee

Symptoms | Inflammation of tendons in the forearm

Symptoms The typical symptoms of tendon inflammation are mainly pain. These occur in the area of the affected tendon on the forearm. Initially, it only hurts with certain movements, but once the inflammation is more advanced, the forearm can also hurt at rest. In addition, the affected area can be swollen and reddened and feel … Symptoms | Inflammation of tendons in the forearm

Duration | Inflammation of tendons in the forearm

Duration Acute tendon inflammation usually subsides after a few days if the patient is sufficiently protected. It is important to prevent a relapse by avoiding the triggering activity even after the symptoms have disappeared. Immobilization is often necessary for several weeks. Movement sequences that have led to the inflammation should be optimized in the long … Duration | Inflammation of tendons in the forearm

Tendinitis of the upper arm (tennis elbow) | Inflammation of tendons in the forearm

Tendinitis of the upper arm (tennis elbow) The so-called tennis elbow (epicondylitis humeri radialis) is an inflammation of the tendons on the upper side of the forearm. It starts on the outside of the elbow and causes pain there that can radiate to the entire forearm. Repeated movements, such as those performed in tennis, can … Tendinitis of the upper arm (tennis elbow) | Inflammation of tendons in the forearm

Tendinitis in the leg

Definition An inflammation of the tendon is also called tendinitis in the technical terminology. The tendons, which are exposed to high mechanical stress, are protected by so-called tendon sheaths. These can be imagined like a sheath in which the tendons glide back and forth. There they serve as protection against friction. If the tendons are … Tendinitis in the leg

Duration of tendon inflammation in the leg | Tendinitis in the leg

Duration of tendon inflammation in the leg If an inflammation of a tendon in the leg occurs acutely for the first time, the symptoms should disappear after a few days if the patient is sufficiently immobilized. If this is not the case, a doctor should be consulted. After the pain has subsided, however, the triggering … Duration of tendon inflammation in the leg | Tendinitis in the leg