Tendon inflammation at the greater trochanter | Tendinitis in the leg

Tendon inflammation at the greater trochanter

The biceps muscle is located on the back of the thigh and belongs to the group of knee joint flexors. Inflammation causes pain in or on the outside of the hollow of the knee, which can radiate into the calf. The pain usually becomes stronger under stress.

In the case of inflammation, a distinction can be made between inflammation of the tendons (tendinitis) and inflammation of the tendon sheath (tendovaginitis). The causes are overloading and minor injuries of the tendon. A biceps tendon inflammation is best treated by sparing the tendon.

Bandages or heat therapy can also be used. In the acute phase, taking anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can also be helpful. Stretching exercises and physiotherapy can also help to shorten the healing period.

Achilles tendonitis

The Achilles tendon is the strongest and probably best known tendon in the human body. It connects the muscles of the lower leg with the foot and, among other things, stretches the foot. When this tendon becomes inflamed, those affected often feel severe pain when moving the foot, especially when stretching.

Walking is often difficult. The reason for an inflammation is usually incorrect and excessive strain. Wearing the wrong shoes or a difference in leg length can also be causes.

An Achilles tendon inflammation is best treated by immobilization. In the acute phase, taking anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can also be helpful. In addition, stretching exercises and physiotherapy can help with the healing process.

Peroneal Tendon Inflammation

An inflammation of the tendons of the long and short fibula muscle (M. peroneus longus and brevis) is also called peroneal tendon syndrome. On the one hand, these muscles stabilize the arch of the foot and also have functions in various movements of the foot. If incorrect or excessive strain is applied, these tendons can become inflamed, leading to pain in the outer ankle.

These occur mainly under load, especially when lifting the inner side of the foot. The treatment of the one tendon inflammation is done by relieving the tendon, which is usually done with the help of a splint or bandage. This immobilization allows the tendon to regenerate. In addition, taking pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medication can be helpful.