Puberty: Between Freedom and Consequence

Puberty is a time that most parents experience with horror and adolescents with uncertainty. During this phase, both sides must learn to confront conflict and balance boundaries with freedom. Parents must learn to simultaneously let go and continue to provide support for their children. Conflicts are necessary But unlike how most feel, puberty is more … Puberty: Between Freedom and Consequence

Challenge for Parents

It is important that parents do not see this behavior as a personal affront, the psychologist advises. Mothers and fathers must learn to let go of their children and yet continue to give them support. However, adults should not simply back down in arguments. Furthermore, they must show the adolescents boundaries, because excessive tolerance and … Challenge for Parents

Encourage and Challenge: How Children Become Confident and Strong

Probably every parent wants strong children who believe in themselves, express their needs without fear and go through life with open eyes. “For a child to become a self-confident personality, it needs a lot of warmth and security, attention and care, but also encouragement and incentive,” knows Karin Schreiner-Kürten, a qualified psychologist at the AOK … Encourage and Challenge: How Children Become Confident and Strong

Recognizing hearing loss in children – Can my child hear properly?

Definition In order for a child to develop according to its age and learn to speak correctly, intact hearing is extremely important. Temporary hearing loss, for example due to infections, is very common. However, 2-3 out of every 1000 children are born with a hearing impairment in need of treatment. Since untreated hearing disorders have … Recognizing hearing loss in children – Can my child hear properly?

TreatmentTherapy | Recognizing hearing loss in children – Can my child hear properly?

TreatmentTherapy It is important to treat hearing disorders at an early stage to prevent possible developmental disorders. The treatment depends on the type of disease. If the tuba auditiva is closed, an attempt must be made to open it. Enlarged pharyngeal tonsils are removed, a cold or middle ear infection is treated.If these measures are … TreatmentTherapy | Recognizing hearing loss in children – Can my child hear properly?

Baby vaccinations

General information The vaccination topic is in Germany until today a hotly discussed topic. Opponents of vaccination particularly criticize that babies should be vaccinated at an early age. The STIKO is the vaccination commission in Germany and issues recommendations, but there is no compulsory vaccination in Germany yet. Vaccinations from the 2nd month of life … Baby vaccinations