Conjugate Eye Movements: Function, Task & Diseases

In principle, the eyes can be rotated about all three possible axes of rotation in three-dimensional space, within certain limits. Parallel eye movements of both eyes, with identical rotations with respect to the axis of rotation and number of degrees, are called conjugate eye movements. They usually occur unconsciously and arise, for example, as gaze-following … Conjugate Eye Movements: Function, Task & Diseases

Appositional Ossification: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Appositional ossification is the growth in thickness of bone. Appositional growth occurs at circumference and originates at the stratum osteogenicum of the periosteum. If a bone grows aimlessly in width but no longer in length, restrictions of motion set in. What is appositional ossification? Appositional ossification is the growth in thickness of bone. The medical … Appositional Ossification: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases