Binge Eating Disorder

Synonyms Psychogenic Hyperphagia, Binge Eating Disorder Definition With the Binge Eating Disorder there are recurring “gluttony attacks”. These are very, very uncomfortable for the patient and often lead to great disgust with oneself. The eating attacks occur several times a week and there are no weight-regulating measures (vomiting, laxatives etc. ). Epidemiology There are still … Binge Eating Disorder

How thin can you be?

Introduction How thin a person may be, depends completely on its physical construction, its age and its health condition. In our society, a beauty image has developed which above all idealizes a very slim body shape. Young women in particular are sometimes forced to live up to this ideal and therefore pay close attention to … How thin can you be?

Therapy of an eating disorder

Synonyms in a broader sense Anorexia nervosa Anorexia Anorexia Bulimia nervosa Bulimia Binge Eating Psychogenic Hyperphagia Anorexia Therapy The therapeutic options for eating disorders are manifold. In the following some general therapeutic approaches will be shown, which apply to Anorexia, Bulimia as well as Binge Eating Disorders. Requirements As the most important points 3 questions … Therapy of an eating disorder